Advanced solutions provider
New technology is challenging both to our customers and to us as well. Our goal is to select the best products on the market in order to reach mutual goals in a confidential and customer friendly way.
Electric and instrumentation planning
Our concept covers not only conventional electric planning, but also a wide-range experience on instrumentation, both documented by Finnish JCAD -a software with respect of absolutely standard forms such as dxf and dgw.

PLC programming
We are extremely skilled in providing solutions with the newest technology, when it comes to solving automation problems. Such could be for instance special analogue control boxes for process industry (PA-concept).
We are on the cutting edge of even factory automation (FA-concept) where the criterias could be as follows:
- exact positioning
- high dynamics, that means short cycle / feedback times
- motion controlling
- multiaxis systems
- GSM control and reporting
In a range of final products this means:
- Packaging and foiling machines
- x/y -tables
- portal robots and catchers
- flying saws
- NC
- rollers and winders
- sealing machines
- line drives
- etc…
PA-concept based primarily on Siemens’ technology, otherwise FA-concept on Mitsubishi Electric’s servos and motion control.
SCADA and MMI / HMI products and solutions
User interfaces are often referred to by letters HMI (human machine interface) or MMI (man machine interface). Terminology is one thing, but the physical devices at work are operating panels, displays, keyboards, or for example PC-control rooms.
Provendor Oy has extensive experience with both, -applying Siemens’ high quality HMI-products to practical solutions, as well as Beijer Electronics’ excellent E1000- and iX-series panels.
We’ve also extended our product-line with Mitsubishi’s Japanese model series GOT2000.
We deliver PC-control rooms primarily with WinCC, but Intouch is of course also possible. From these, connections to higher level systems are done with ease.
For the most demanding top-level PA applications, we use PCS7 by Siemens.

Thought upon solutions
For many control- and monitoring tasks, Provendor has thought upon, carefully planned and in practise tested solutions to offer. These could for example be:
RF-ID-tags in logistics
As demands for performance in logistics grow, new ways have been invented for surveillance of the flow of products and for their identification. The amount of information concerning the product and it’s movement has multiplied as a result of the increased demand for traceability. RF-ID products are and will be the answer to many of these demands, as the technology is getting less and less expensive.
GSM-controls and messages
As cellphones became a part of our everyday lives, the demand for their use in different control-, monitoring- and alarm applications grew rapidly. Modern technology makes inexpensive remote control possible, whether your problem is guarding your summerhouse or having backup monitoring of a large industrial process at home.
Multi-drive systems
Using Mitsubishi or Siemens technology, we are able to provide different kinds of multi-drive systems to demanding target applications. Vector-controlled inverters connected via Profibus guarantee accurate speed-control, good torque, and short response times.
Naturally the most demanding applications are done with Mitsubishi servo-drives.
Placement based on machine vision.
Combining modern smartcam technology with the latest motion control systems creates the foundation for shorter tact times, a new level of productivity, and ensures complete quality control.
As is well portrayed in the picture, we are not at a loss when it comes to modifying older PLC’s (5TI, TI520/530) or modernizing them into Mitsubishi or Siemens. Ever more common are the upgrades of S5-series into S7, due to the high cost of spare parts. At the same time it is quite easy to improve the usability of equipment with HMI-products and a few new lines of code.
When you need a reliable partner for modernizations, when you’re on the tightest of schedules and in the need for low risk modernization, Provendor is the right place to come to.